Kirill Solovev

Research Associate at the University of Giessen

Kirill Solovev

About Me

I am a researcher at the Data Science and Digitization faculty at the University of Giessen. My work focuses on analyzing social media and public discourse, with a strong interest in hate speech, moralized language, and misinformation patterns. I am passionate about using machine learning and computational social science to drive insights in my field.

Research Interests:

Multimodal Research

Computational Social Science

Misinformation and Hate Speech

NLP, LLMs, and Computer Vision

Social Media Analysis

Professional CV

Academic CV



Community notes increase trust in fact-checking on social media

Chiara Drolsbach, Kirill Solovev, Nicolas Pröllochs

PNAS Nexus 3 (7), pgae217

Community Notes vs. Snoping: How the Crowd Selects Fact-Checking Targets on Social Media

Moritz Pilarski, Kirill Solovev, Nicolas Pröllochs

Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference ICWSM 2024, 18, 1262-1275


Moralized language predicts hate speech on social media

Kirill Solovev, Nicolas Pröllochs

PNAS Nexus 2 (1), pgac281


Moral emotions shape the virality of COVID-19 misinformation on social media

Kirill Solovev, Nicolas Pröllochs

Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022, 3706-3717

Hate speech in the political discourse on social media: Disparities across parties, gender, and ethnicity

Kirill Solovev, Nicolas Pröllochs

Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022, 3656-3661


Integrating Floor Plans into Hedonic Models for Rent Price Appraisal

Kirill Solovev, Nicolas Pröllochs

Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2021, 2838-2847

Teaching Experience

2020 -- 2024

University of Giessen

Course: Data Science For Management

Master Seminar: Text Mining

Master Seminar: Data Science

Bachelor Seminar: Data Science

Colloquium: Bachelor and Master Theses

2019 -- 2020

University of Freiburg

Tutorial: Introduction to Data Science



Poster Presenter

WebSci24, Stuttgart, Germany

Won the Best Poster award


Poster Presenter

Machine Learning Summer School